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lunes, 19 de marzo de 2018

Saint Patrick!!

Celebrated the 17th , March, Saint Patrick's Day is an important celebration in many places.
But who was Saint Patrick? He was a Christian missionary who lived in the fifth century and basically  tried to convert the Irish to Christianity.

Here you have a link to know more about him:

Look how is this day celebrated in Chicago:

Each year millions of people celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. It is a national holiday in Ireland when people do not work but worship and gather with family. In the United States, the first St. Patrick’s Day parade was held in New York on March 17, 1762.

Many landmarks around the world celebrate this day as well:

Every celebration has its own symbols and traditions. Today, St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated by wearing green, which symbolizes spring as well as Irish culture.

Here you have the most important ones related to Saint Patrick's Day

sábado, 10 de marzo de 2018

A deadly lake

In the United Republic of Tanzania we can find Lake Natron, a lake that thanks to its microorganisms has pink, red and even orange water.

But why is this lake so special? It is highly alkaline, its PH is from 9 to 10.5 (water is between 7 and 9) and the temperature can reach 60 degrees!!It is so salty that it can kill most animals! Except one fish that has evolved to survive in this lake under these conditions.

The animals that die in the lake are turned into statues due to calcification.But how can they die if they know that the lake is extremely dangerous? No one knows...there is a hypothesis that says that the water is so reflective that birds can get confused and crash...

Nick Brandt took photographs of these petrified animals, but he wanted to show them in living positions.


 Here you have a link if you want to know and see more


miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2018

Women who changed history

Women have always played an important role in society and history but it has been always overshadowed by men. It is high time to be recognised and valued!! We are equal!! We have the same rights!!

Tomorrow is the International Women's Day and for that reason here you have a link with a list of important women through history,  from Sappho to Malala. They are all great women who fought for being themselves, they tried to do what they liked and we all should know about them.


martes, 6 de marzo de 2018

Ice Park in China

In Harbin, China, there is a special festival every year in winter: The Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival.

It started in 1963.

It starts on January 5 and lasts one month, but if the weather is good, it opens earlier and stays open longer.